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When is it Time to Consider a New AC System?

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You already know that eventually you will have to replace your air conditioner. But if it is already up in age, you may be wondering if that time is now. How do you know when the time comes to replace your older air conditioner with a newer model?

Well, our team can help you make this determination. We know the signs and symptoms that can indicate your air conditioner has reached the end of its life. If you need to schedule service for air conditioning in Burbank, CA, give our team a call. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that mean it’s time to replace your air conditioner.

AC Age

First, you want to consider your air conditioner’s age. The average AC unit will last for about 15 years. Very well cared for units can last for 20 years or more. You probably have a good idea of how well you have cared for your air conditioner and what shape it is in. Either way, after that 15-year mark it becomes more and more likely that you need to replace your air conditioner instead of investing in repairs. 

You also want to consider that your manufacturer’s warranty probably ended at the 10-year mark. If you have any very expensive repairs after that 10-year mark, you may need to weigh the pros and cons of making that expensive repair versus investing in a whole new air conditioner a little bit earlier.

Energy Costs

Another thing to consider is the cost of operating your air conditioner. If your unit is 15 years old or older, it is likely getting more expensive to operate because it is less efficient. This happens naturally as your air conditioner ages. Experts say that you will experience a spike on your energy bills within the last couple of years of your air conditioner’s life.

If you’ve noticed your energy bills creeping up or had a sudden spike in energy used, your air conditioner may be to blame. Of course, we can always check it out and see if there’s anything that needs to be fixed that can address the problem. If not, it may be time to invest in a new air conditioner. Sure it’s an expensive project, but the amount that you’ll save on your energy bills by having a new and highly efficient unit can help to outweigh this upfront cost.

Repair Bills

We already talked a little about repair bills. If you’re having to make frequent repairs to your air conditioner, that’s a sign that it is near the end of its life. It’s also a red flag if you have to make one single repair or several repairs that add up to you several thousand dollars.

Experts usually recommend that if you have to spend half of the cost of a new air conditioner on repairs, then it is time to invest in a whole new unit instead. You’re not likely to get your money’s worth for the cost of those repairs since your air conditioner is already up in age.

Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical. Call our friendly technicians 24/7 to schedule an appointment for exceptional customer service!

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