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Saving Secrets From Heating Experts


Serving the Van Nuys Area Since 1990

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Finding ways to save energy with your HVAC system doesn’t mean shaving off a few pennies from your bills. You can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars with only a few basic fixes. You don’t have to let your heating and cooling costs get out of control when the savings are so simple.

Below is a list of energy-saving secrets straight from our president, Dean Gilford, who has a long history helping customers get the best from their HVAC systems. Call our team for assistance with your air conditioning and heating in Van Nuys, CA and throughout our service area.

Best Tip: Change the HVAC Filter

The filter in an HVAC system affects the heating, AC, and blower fan. If it becomes clogged, it will make all three work harder than they should. Aim to swap out the filter for a clean one every month, and you’ll see a significant difference in your bills.

Annual Tune-Ups

An HVAC system is similar to a vehicle in that it needs professional maintenance each year to keep it running in peak condition. Lubricating motors, cleaning components, checking refrigerant pressure and gas lines—all these contribute not only to an energy-saving HVAC system, but a long-lived one too.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

This is one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can make to your HVAC system. Because you can program the HVAC system to automatically adjust temperatures while you’re away, you can cut down on unnecessary heating and cooling costs. A good programmable thermostat can save up to 12% on heating and cooling costs per year.


A house with poor insulation can cost 20% more to keep comfortable around the year, either from heat escaping or heat entering. There are many options for loose-fill insulation using cellulose, fiberglass, or even recycled denim, and blown-in insulation can reach between walls and other places that are otherwise hard to reach.

Blocking Air Leaks

Gaps around windows and doors contribute to plenty of energy waste. In fact, add up most of these “minor” leaks, and it could be the equivalent of a nine-foot hole in the wall. Plug up these leaks and you can see 10% savings.

Seal the Ducts

Your home probably uses ductwork for the HVAC system, and that ductwork may have many holes in it. We see this so often in homes that it’s honestly a bit depressing. Leaky air ducts can allow up to 30% of the air moving through the ducts to escape to closed off parts of the house, like the attic. Do you want to pay money to air condition or heat the attic? Of course not, and having professionals seal the ducts will give you back that 30% of the air you’ve already paid to heat or cool.

Know When It’s Time to Replace

In the last two years of a furnace’s life, it can turn costly to keep in repair. You can get around those costs and start saving money with a replacement furnace. If your current furnace is over 20 years old, you’re likely paying far more to run it than to replace it. Replacing that ancient furnace with an ENERGY STAR-certified system can mean a 15% efficiency boost.

Rebates, Tax Credits, & Utility Incentives

There are many great rebates, credits, and incentives for installing ENERGY STAR equipment. Talk to us and we’ll help you navigate these programs to make upgrading to energy-saving new systems more affordable than ever.

Call on Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical for great HVAC services throughout Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley.

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Friday, November 15th, 2019 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heating, savings |

Wildfires and Cleaning Your AC’s Coils

Efficiency With Gas and Electric Furnaces—It Can Be Tricky

Saving Secrets From Heating Experts


Finding ways to save energy with your HVAC system doesn’t mean shaving off a few pennies from your bills. You can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars with only a few basic fixes. You don’t have to let your heating and cooling costs get out of control when the savings are so simple.

Below is a list of energy-saving secrets straight from our president, Dean Gilford, who has a long history helping customers get the best from their HVAC systems. Call our team for assistance with your air conditioning and heating in Van Nuys, CA and throughout our service area.

Best Tip: Change the HVAC Filter

The filter in an HVAC system affects the heating, AC, and blower fan. If it becomes clogged, it will make all three work harder than they should. Aim to swap out the filter for a clean one every month, and you’ll see a significant difference in your bills.

Annual Tune-Ups

An HVAC system is similar to a vehicle in that it needs professional maintenance each year to keep it running in peak condition. Lubricating motors, cleaning components, checking refrigerant pressure and gas lines—all these contribute not only to an energy-saving HVAC system, but a long-lived one too.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

This is one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can make to your HVAC system. Because you can program the HVAC system to automatically adjust temperatures while you’re away, you can cut down on unnecessary heating and cooling costs. A good programmable thermostat can save up to 12% on heating and cooling costs per year.


A house with poor insulation can cost 20% more to keep comfortable around the year, either from heat escaping or heat entering. There are many options for loose-fill insulation using cellulose, fiberglass, or even recycled denim, and blown-in insulation can reach between walls and other places that are otherwise hard to reach.

Blocking Air Leaks

Gaps around windows and doors contribute to plenty of energy waste. In fact, add up most of these “minor” leaks, and it could be the equivalent of a nine-foot hole in the wall. Plug up these leaks and you can see 10% savings.

Seal the Ducts

Your home probably uses ductwork for the HVAC system, and that ductwork may have many holes in it. We see this so often in homes that it’s honestly a bit depressing. Leaky air ducts can allow up to 30% of the air moving through the ducts to escape to closed off parts of the house, like the attic. Do you want to pay money to air condition or heat the attic? Of course not, and having professionals seal the ducts will give you back that 30% of the air you’ve already paid to heat or cool.

Know When It’s Time to Replace

In the last two years of a furnace’s life, it can turn costly to keep in repair. You can get around those costs and start saving money with a replacement furnace. If your current furnace is over 20 years old, you’re likely paying far more to run it than to replace it. Replacing that ancient furnace with an ENERGY STAR-certified system can mean a 15% efficiency boost.

Rebates, Tax Credits, & Utility Incentives

There are many great rebates, credits, and incentives for installing ENERGY STAR equipment. Talk to us and we’ll help you navigate these programs to make upgrading to energy-saving new systems more affordable than ever.

Call on Kilowatt Heating, Air Conditioning and Electrical for great HVAC services throughout Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley.

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Friday, November 15th, 2019 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heating, savings |

Wildfires and Cleaning Your AC’s Coils

Efficiency With Gas and Electric Furnaces—It Can Be Tricky

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(818) 446-2099

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